
Early Nova Scotians:
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- La Corne, Louis (1703-1761):
- The French officer second in command to Villiers who led 300 Canadians and Indians in a winter attack overland from the Isthmus of Chignecto to catch the New Englanders under Arthur Noble napping at Grand Pre during February 1747. (More)
- La Ronde, Denys de, Louis (1675-1741):
- Another of the Denys family (a family which was to have a great influence on developments in Acadia in at least three of its generations), La Ronde was a commissioned French naval officer, who, among many of his achievements, was instrumental in the selection of site for the fortress on Ile Royale, Louisbourg in 1713. (More)
- La Tour, Charles (1595-c.1665):
- Charles La Tour was the son of Claude De Saint-etienne de La Tour. Both father and son played prominent roles in the early developments of Acadia: the son more so than the father. (More)
- La Tour, Claude (c.1570-1636+):
- See page on Claude's son, Charles La Tour.
- Lawrence, Charles (1709-1760):
- The English governor of Nova Scotia at the time the Acadians were deported during the years 1755-60. (More)
- Le Borgne, Alexandre (1640-1693):
- The son of Emmanuel. (More)
- Le Borgne, Emmanuel (1610-1675):
- The father of Alexandre. (More)
- Legge, Francis (c.1719-1783):
- Legge was the governor of Nova Scotia, 1773-6. Legge upon his arrival proceeded to quarrel with all to whom he came in contact. His mission was to cut away unnecessary expenses; in his efforts to do so he proved himself a tyro. Legge's opponents piled up and certain of them had considerable power back in London. In 1776, Legge was ordered home. (More)
- L'Escarbot, Marc: (1570-1629+):
- The first historian of Acadia. (More)
- Liverpool, Robert Banks Jenkinson, Earl of (1770-1828):
- Liverpool served as Foreign Secretary (1801-3), Home Secretary (1804-6, 1807-9), and Secretary for War and the Colonies (1809-12) before becoming Prime Minister in 1812. Liverpool succeeded Perceval who was assassinated in the lobby of the House of Commons on May 11th, 1812. Liverpool had the good sense to speak plainly and not too often which is a fact which likely led to his long tenure (1812-27). Lord Castlereagh with Lord Liverpool's elevation became the Foreign Secretary.
- Loppinot, Jean-Chrysostome (1680-?):
- Clerk of the Court and King's Attorney at Port Royal, Placentia and Louisbourg. (More)
- Loudoun, Lord, John Campbell, Fourth Earl of ... (1705-82):
- Lord Loudoun was appointed to be the commander in chief of the English forces in North America during the years 1756-7. In 1757, he was put in charge of an intended invasion of Louisbourg. Then receiving disquieting intelligence about the strength of the French at Louisbourg, Loudoun called off the attack and returned to New York without making any attempt. At the beginning of 1758, Loudoun was to be replaced by Amherst. (More)
- Loutre, Le (1709-1772):
- He was known as "Moses" to the French (this, because he fancied himself to be leading the Acadians to the promised land); and to the settlers at Halifax he was known as Monsieur De Luther, the evil priest with mystical powers. However one might want to describe "Le Loutre," he was, there could be no dispute, a major player in the French/English struggle for Nova Scotia, a drama, the crescendo of which unfolded in the history of Nova Scotia between the years 1738 to 1755. (More)
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[The Lion & The Lily -- Book 1 (1500-1763)]
[Settlement, Revolution & War -- Book 2 (1760-1815)]
[The Road To Being Canada -- Book 3 (1815-1867)]
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